What we do?

We support the development and delivery of complete equipment data. The result: better EAM/CMMS records.
Welcome to Capsell Technologies, LLC
Capsell Technologies, LLC was founded to provide solutions for asset and capital intensive industries during the construction and remediation of facilities. In addtion, we have a strong business supporting Design/Build and Construction Management Firms.
We remain committed to our principles: Better Design. Better Results.
To meet the challenges of industry we developed a novel approach. Our solution uses a visual "Point-and-Click" interface to navigate database records. This approach increases user confidence, understanding, and ease of use. Find out how Capsell can start changing outcomes for your business. Learn More
Contact Us
Address: PO Box 244, Greenwood, IN 46142
Telephone: (317) 635-7843
E-mail: info@capsell.com